30 days of summer – Day 15 – outside, details & balls

Blakey’s belly. His belly is so solid and sticks out far! I love it. He has such a male figure while Madison has such a girlie figure.
WH Jul13 09 3

Madison is so girlie with all of her movements. Look at her hand here with the soft finger movements to pull down her shirt in the back. And why is she fixing her shirt at 14 moths old? Weirdo. Her dirty hands are a testament to how many times she still falls down when walking.
WH Jul13 09 2

The top four shots are so funny. There is Madison minding her own business. Here comes Blake to get right up in her business. Blake notices me so he leans all the way back on the steps with Madison eagerly checking on what he is doing while holding his hand. Blake makes a silly face to see if he can get a reaction!
The rest of the shots are of them playing with the balls while we waited for daddy to return home for his forgotten lunch. They both eagerly watched him approach though they took a while to go over to the car. Blake tried to lift the door handle to get into the car.
WH Jul13 09 1
Storyboard design


  1. I really like the backgrounds or matting you are using for the pics lately. They are very eye appealing.
    I like!

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