Did you hear? I’m really sick…

Babies 11 months 1875

Sometimes when you least expect it there are sharp painful things in your path. All four of us are congested and coughing at the moment, we bought some products at www.journalofnaturalmedicine.com but it is supposed to get delivered tomorrow. This afternoon I took the turn for the better. Guy said he was also felling better this afternoon. He was smart and started taking a decongestant as soon as he started to feel it. The babies don’t get anything other then some Motrin to get rid of some of the pain associated with the cough/sore throat. Both have been handling it remarkably well. Madison pitches a fit now and again whether sick or not. She tends to holler and scream whenever she is frustrated, in pain or annoyed. A lot of the time she sounds like a cat! We watched her throw a few fits today. Blake on the other hand tends to only throw a fit when he is in pain. He’s had some of that when passing gas or needing to poo recently. He’ll roll around on the floor, throw himself down onto the ground or stiffen and throw his body backwards while yelling when he is in pain. I’m hoping we’ll all be better very quickly.

Here’s some photos from about a week ago, but they perfectly represent how we are all feeling right now.
Babies 11 months 1851

Babies 11 months 1851

Babies 11 months 1852

Today we dragged ourselves out of the house, because it was just needed! We took the boxes down to the recycling center and picked up a couple things at Wal-Mart. Upon returning we had a message on the machine. It was someone I’d talked to early today about a surprise gift for his wife. The message said he understood I was really ill and wanted to see if there was anything he could do. I called to let him know the message was perfect to get him a good reason to come over & Guy’s first thought was why was he being so nice. That didn’t come out right so I made sure to tell him because guys don’t think of these things normally (which is sooo true). He did sound a touch offended even after that explanation. Will I ever learn? I told him it was brilliant so he would have a good excuse to come over to our house (again the surpise – if you are reading this and know who I’m talking about please keep it zipped!). So it turns out he was being sincere because he received a call from someone letting him know I had taken a turn for the worse and was probably going to the hospital. WHAT? lol Nope. Just fine here. Sick. Had a rough night sleeping. Feeling faint occasionally. Achy muscles. The normal run of the mill icky stuff. My guess is someone at church was on Facebook today where I was talking to another person they knew about being sick and feeling like crap despite still getting their shoot from Saturday done! I don’t know, but it sounds like it is kind of like that game where a large group of people sit in a circle and the first one tells the next something who repeats it to the next person continuing the pattern until the comment gets back to the first person. Generally it isn’t even close to the original comment. I appreciate the concern though!!! My friend Lisa did help me go to the store yesterday, because I just couldn’t bear the thought of wrangling the kids & groceries (no wipes & almost out of milk so HAD to go).

In other news the birds hatched. Three little birdies all snuggled together in the nest.
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They thought I was their mama back with a juicy worm.
Babies yr1 apr09 1031

Babies yr1 apr09 1028

Both babies love love love to beg food off their dad when he is eating. Here is a shot of Madison.
Babies 11 months 1857

I love this shot of Blake. It really shows how good he is getting at balance. We were almost out of formula so I decided to switch them to milk on their birthday Saturday. My friend Allison had said they kept some powder for when they were out and about. I thought that was a great idea and had already purchased a gallon of whole milk in anticipation of switching them. Well, dang if they didn’t go through a half a gallon in the one day with part of the day on formula! Holy cow! Are we really going to go through almost a gallon a day? Wow, I hope they start to drink more of the water I offer them all the time. I did get a few lemons today to give just a hint of flavor to the water. We don’t give them juice and they aren’t diggin the water unless it is out of our cups.
Babies 11 months 1853

We really need to get some video of Blake walking. He is so proud of himself he keeps trying to do it more and more. Madison joins in on the congratulations by clapping for him too.
Babies 11 months 1938

Brighter days will be here soon filled with beauty and joy. You know it!
Babies 11 months 1862

1 comment

  1. Awww, I hope everyone in the White House get better quick! We all had the sickies a couple of weeks ago. No fun!

    I absolutely love the photo of Madison because it reminds me of my Krista, who was begging like a dog for my popcorn today. Of course, she didn’t get any but it was cute.

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