{The first day of our cruise & the second morning pictures are shown.}
I don’t know about you, but I’m not really an analytical person other then the quick day to day mind workings helping me make decisions. I don’t get into learning the mysteries of the gospel as I’d rather master the basics first.
{There was music playing as we sailed out. Blake took turns dancing & watching everything go past.}
Every once in a while I get to thinking. Sometimes it’s about silly things like why people drive the way they do. Guy & I had a conversation on the way to the airport about how you can tell what people are planning on doing by the way they drive. Just a little drift to the left will indicate someone is about to change lanes. Yep, there went the blinker and over they go.
{Madison had an accident just before getting on the ship. We only had new undies so she was pants-less for a few hours.}
This morning I had an in depth analysis {thinking not touching!} of my kids poop. They eat the same things at the same times. Blake eats a bit more then she does. They both have a glass of milk in the morning & around dinner time, and they both drink water during the day. Madison drinks a bit more water then Blake. What their individual bodies do with the same amount of food & water is WAY different. Blake pees less, poops softer & more often. Madison pees way more, and has super wide dry looking poop {less stinky too}. It makes me think the book I saw a long long time ago titles something like Eat Right for Your Body Type has some basis to it. My body works better when I eat red meat at least once a week & spicy foods. Anyway, I was thinking about poop today.
{They loved being in the airport. If we could still get to the gates like back in the old days, I would take them to the airport just for fun.}
{Maddy is waving to the plane.}
{And so is Blake.}
This weather has been fantastic! We had a good time getting out into the yard for some work & play. Besides my butchered job on one of the shrubs that is! We also stopped by Crabtree Lake park this morning to use the bathroom and play on the playground equipment. I definitely want to go back there for some trail walking/biking and rent some boats. I think the kids would like to get out on the water.
{It must be hard to see everything, dance & have to look at mom when she calls.}
{He is checking out the boat riding our waves.}
{The boat by the last bit of land we passed on our way out to sea.}
{There was a long line of boats coming in perfectly spaced.}
{I couldn’t believe the color of the water. It is unlike any color I’ve seen in water before.}
{Madison & Guy}
{This is how much she loves Blake. They are always checking to see where the other one is.}
They loved how close the pilot boat was, even though by this time they were HUNGRY.}
{Bye Miami! Oh, I loved the moody sky.}
{I also love the pinky blue light first thing in the morning as the sun was coming up. They were loving looking out over the vast expanse of water.}
{It was exciting, amazing & thrilling for them.}
{Booger man was constantly scanning around us to see if he saw something new.}
{Madison was flirting with one of the many admirers she would find on the cruise.}
{I was surprised they were so comfortable on the open stairs with another level of stairs going down under that. We found they absolutely loved both the stairs & elevators on the cruise. They laughed hysterically every time we ran up or down the stairs. Maybe it was the running part… They also loved the mirrors, which Guy hated, in all elevators. We got into the habit of calling out what floor we wanted to get off on and what floor we were at to try and curtail the quick Blake from running off at every stop.}
{This one looks like an old ship to me with the funky B&W toning, light shapes, wires & smoke.}
(We went from the back to the front of the ship while waiting for the buffet to open. Yes, we were up That early. The first night and morning are definitely for trying to figure out where everything is.}
{We saw a lot of ships around us each day. Blake was a master at finding them.}
{Since Guy isn’t a fan of pictures I have a lot of his backside. The bonus in this one is I’m actually in it. Well, my shadow anyway.}
Absolutely loving these pics!! I am glad the kids enjoyed being on the boat. My niece went with us on our Alaska cruise last year and wasn't a fan, but she was a bit younger so maybe that's why.
As for the high chairs — are they the space savers (Fisher Price)? That would be awesome! Our budget is so tight right now figuring out how to raise quads …
My email:
sonja (dot) skrovanek at gmail (dot) com